Collaborative Spirits

Kismet, serendipity, or destiny. There are times when the stars align, and we, as designers, find ourselves sitting in front of the ideal client. I’m sometimes asked what makes a great client or a great client relationship.

Obviously, finding a kindred spirit is exceptional. You know when you meet someone for the first time and it just clicks? That doesn’t always occur, but when it does, I find the process of working with that new client extremely exhilarating. Not only am I learning about them, I always seem to have the opportunity to learn something new about myself and my design abilities.

Risk Takers

Another sign of a great client is when I identify someone that not only has faith in my abilities but is also willing to take a risk in a design element. Sometimes a leap of faith in design, can leave everyone a little uneasy in the onset, but it’s extremely exciting when both you and the client are willing to experiment with a design adventure.

There are times when I may have the opportunity to select a hand made piece or use something a little different in a client’s project. It may be something as simple as a paint color or finish, a special molding or using an extraordinary sculpture or hand-made piece of furniture. The client that is willing to take that leap with me is always one I consider a kindred spirit.

A client partnership takes on many phases over the course of the project from selection to payment. Collaborating on all aspects of a project makes for an ideal outcome, a satisfied client and the creation of a new relationship for me.