Redesign and Change in 2014


Life, like design, is ever changing, as it should be.  In 2014 I set out to make some significant changes in the way I approached my business along with taking some new risks to enhance and develop some sleeping passions.

Reflection in Action

My blog advice has always been to change things up seasonally to create fresh environments.  These changes are sometimes not only pleasing to the eye but to the psyche. As I’ve discussed, changing out your throw pillows or adding some simple new appointments to your home for the season brings on not only a fresh look but inspires new feelings within your surroundings. That is one of the reasons I took a hard look at Keogh Design in 2014.

Within that reflection, I knew I wanted to launch a custom line of custom designed furniture for ‘talls’.  This project was one I had been tumbling around in my mind for some time and in 2014 it was time to get down to brass tacks and introduce my virtual line of custom designed and created furniture, Mór.

One of the other considerations I set for my business was how I wanted to approach interior design.  Did I want to engage with clients on major renovations or was I now prepared to work with clients on exclusive décor projects?


With these new considerations in place, I decided to take my business to the next level, so to speak, and launched a full social media marketing campaign to drive my business and communicate my new ideas using a targeted e-marketing strategy.  Additionally, while I’ve always incorporated a blog on my site, in 2014, I wanted to enrich my blog with more frequency to insure I sharing my messages with current and potential clients.

The Payoff

A year of the willingness to take on change brought on projects and opportunities I hadn’t expected — those including the renovation of an historic icon, The Provident Loan Society, being provided the opportunity to give a speech for Bond Realty, and being invited to write the introduction for a book on high end condominiums, which will also include 4 of my projects.

Like my blog advice, sometimes, an entire revamp isn’t specifically necessary.  Taking the time to sit and open up your view can allow you to change out a few things to make a huge inspiring difference.


As we move into 2015, I’m refreshed, inspired and looking forward to even more adventure through vision and change.