

"Fitting" Your Needs


I’m tall. In the sixth grade I was 6’ tall. Needless to say I didn’t fit in….anywhere. Not in my desk, at the chalkboard and certainly not in the playground. Like most ‘talls’ I learned to adapt socially, emotionally, and physically.

To find a good fit, you don’t need to be like Goldilocks and keep trying on furniture until you find your ‘ahh, this is just right’ chair, sofa or table.

You see, most furniture is designed to fit the average American at 5’6” tall. As a tall, have you ever found yourself sitting on a sofa in a furniture showroom thinking “how am I going to get out of this sofa?” Yes, I have too and the ritual of folding my legs in an unnatural way to stand up not only was ridiculous to look at from another’s perspective, but it was absolutely killing me physically.

Back and leg pain are just a few of the physical ailments associated with talls buying and using average sized furniture. Standing at my kitchen counter causes back and neck pain. Sofa or upholstered chair sitting reaps strain on my back and legs.

I just don’t fit – anywhere. Airplane, train, even the back of a taxi is a consideration for anyone over 5’11” tall

Why I'm a Good Fit For You

Each project I get involved in as a designer and person of height is born out of simple muse or spark. Being a forward thinker and a catalyst for change, I decided to take yet another bull by the horns and make a difference for myself and the other 45 million tall Americans by creating and designing custom furniture that fits. In this case I was an audience member at one of Martha Stewart’s shows which was all about talls. It was a revelation.

Once I had the opportunity to see the show and learn about others like me, I realized that we talls also need furniture to fit us! Having the ability and knowledge of design, I am able to craft individual pieces of furniture to fit anyone who desires comfort.


Fitting Your Needs


The process is simple, based on your personal measurements, I will design your piece of furniture after I measure you and understand your needs and of course, your space.

My 3D computer interface allows me to create the piece of furniture based on your specifications and ideas. Size and scale are considered for your entire household. Let’s face it not all talls are living with other talls. In this case, size and scale of your custom piece are considered in the organic environment.

Tall doesn’t have to be large. Any worries about looking at a colossal chair in the same environment as your favorite Queen Anne tea chair, you can cast away. My custom piece not only has to be a fit for you physically, it has to fit within the scale of the room and with the other furniture and décor.
